Landscapes of agony

Dear colleagues, 

The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police and the protests that ensued all over the country unveiled the hard work ahead of us. Creating healthy and connected communities in which everyone can thrive is tied to all of us coming together to form holistic and concerted efforts that eliminate health, income, and educational disparities. 

Culturally Enriched Communities share the stories of buildings and places caught in the turmoil at – see Landscapes of Agony. 

Look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas.

Tasoulla Hadjiyanni, Editor
[email protected]

Landscapes Of Agony - CEC Designs
The mural on this Mexican-owned beauty salon, Milagro’s, stands in stark contrast to the city’s reality. Below the image of the two men shaking hands is broken glass from the salon’s shattered windows. Lake Street is a stronghold of Latino entrepreneurship and the site of many of the protests.
Buildings And Places Caught In The Turmoil

Time’s relationship to places can change all of a sudden. CalSurf has been synonymous with Uptown, both old and new for over 32 years, by helping form a tight-knit, nationally recognized skate and snowboard scene. It took only seconds to break the windows that connected this community-builder with the street and loot the interior. Would the next step be garage-type security doors over all store windows?

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